Insane Air – Parental Consent Form

Insane Air – Parental Consent Form

Dear Parent/Carer, To celebrate how fantastic all of our students have been this term, we have booked a trip to Insane Air in Bradford. The trip is completely free for your child, and will include lunch. The trip will be on Monday 11th December. Your child will need to meet us at Neal Street as normal, for 10am. We will then travel by minibus to Insane Air. After an hour’s session and lunch, we will then travel back to Neal Street. Your child will then make their way home via their normal transport from Neal Street at 2:45pm. For your child to be able to attend this trip, we need written permission from you which allows us to complete the parental waiver on your behalf.
Please sign above.

Festive Regards, Olivia Cranley Manager/DSL